Combine Key And Mouse Button Events In Wxpython Panel Using Matplotlib
Solution 1:
I'm not entirely sure what you're doing wrong because your code looks incomplete. I think your general idea was correct, but you seem to have been mixing up classes and trying to access the property shift_is_held
from the wrong class or something.
I wrote this simple example using the
code from matplotlib examples. I did run into some complications trying to use the control key. When I try to drag with the mouse using the control key, the Lasso manager becomes unresponsive (including in the original code from matplotlib). I could not figure out why, so I used the shift and alt keys as modifiers in the present code.
You'll see that the logic of what action to perform depending on which key is held down at the moment when you release the lasso is performed in LassoManager.callback()
import logging
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.widgets import Lasso
from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
from matplotlib.collections import RegularPolyCollection
from matplotlib import path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import rand
logger = logging.getLogger()
colorin = colorConverter.to_rgba('red')
colorShift = colorConverter.to_rgba('cyan')
colorCtrl = colorConverter.to_rgba('pink')
colorout = colorConverter.to_rgba('blue')
def__init__(self, x, y, include=False):
self.x = x
self.y = y
if include:
self.color = self.colorin
self.color = self.colorout
def__init__(self, ax, data):
self.axes = ax
self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas = data
self.Nxy = len(data)
facecolors = [d.color for d in data]
self.xys = [(d.x, d.y) for d in data]
fig = ax.figure
self.collection = RegularPolyCollection(
fig.dpi, 6, sizes=(100,),
offsets = self.xys,
transOffset = ax.transData)
self.cid = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onpress)
self.keyPress = self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.onKeyPress)
self.keyRelease = self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event', self.onKeyRelease)
self.lasso = None
self.shiftKey = False
self.ctrlKey = Falsedefcallback(self, verts):
logging.debug('in LassoManager.callback(). Shift: %s, Ctrl: %s' % (self.shiftKey, self.ctrlKey))
facecolors = self.collection.get_facecolors()
p = path.Path(verts)
ind = p.contains_points(self.xys)
for i inrange(len(self.xys)):
if ind[i]:
if self.shiftKey:
facecolors[i] = Datum.colorShift
elif self.ctrlKey:
facecolors[i] = Datum.colorCtrl
facecolors[i] = Datum.colorin
facecolors[i] = Datum.colorout
del self.lasso
defonpress(self, event):
if self.canvas.widgetlock.locked():
returnif event.inaxes isNone:
self.lasso = Lasso(event.inaxes, (event.xdata, event.ydata), self.callback)
# acquire a lock on the widget drawing
defonKeyPress(self, event):
logging.debug('in LassoManager.onKeyPress(). Event received: %s (key: %s)' % (event, event.key))
if event.key == 'alt+alt':
self.ctrlKey = Trueif event.key == 'shift':
self.shiftKey = TruedefonKeyRelease(self, event):
logging.debug('in LassoManager.onKeyRelease(). Event received: %s (key: %s)' % (event, event.key))
if event.key == 'alt':
self.ctrlKey = Falseif event.key == 'shift':
self.shiftKey = Falseif __name__ == '__main__':
data = [Datum(*xy) for xy in rand(100, 2)]
ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0,1), ylim=(0,1), autoscale_on=False)
lman = LassoManager(ax, data)
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