Idle Time Of A Process In Linux
I need to calculate CPU usage (user mode, system mode, idle time) of a process in Linux. I am able to calculate usage in user and system mode using utime and stime values from /pro
Solution 1:
I don't know much about it but maybe the following works:
1) Get the process start up time. Im sure thats possible
2) Generate time difference (dTime = CurrentTime - TimeProcessStarted)
3) Substract the time the process isrunning ( dTime - (usageSystemMode + usageUserMode))
Hope this helps! :D
Solution 2:
it's too late but, I guessed this command useful:
IFS=$'\n';for i in `ps -eo uname:20,pid,cmd | grep -v "USER\|grep\|root"`; \
doif [ $(id -g `echo$i | cut -d" " -f1`) -gt 1000 ] && \
[ $(echo $((($(date +%s) - $(date -d "$(ll -u \
--time-style=+"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" /proc/$(echo $i | \
awk '{print $2}')/cwd | awk '{print $6" "$7}')" +%s))/3600))) >=1 ]; \
thenecho$i; fi; done
to use it in bash file:
IFS=$'\n'for i in `ps -eo uname:20,pid,cmd | grep -v "USER\|grep\|root"`
Name="`echo $i | cut -d' ' -f1`"
Id="$(id -g $Name)"
Pid="`echo $i | awk '{print $2}'`"
Time1=$(date +%s)
Time2=$(date -d "$(/usr/bin/ls -lu --time-style=+"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" \
/proc/$Pid/cwd | awk '{print $6" "$7}')" +%s)/3600
Time=$Time1-$Time2if [ $Id -gt 1000 ] && [ $Time >=1 ]
you could change grep -v "grep\|root" as you wish. this one line command list all processes which not root owner or system users.
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