Connecting To Ms Access 2007 (.accdb) Database Using Pyodbc
Solution 1:
Try to use something like the following instead of using the same string as the one for OLeDb:
"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=C:\DB.accdb;"
You may not be able to talk to the driver directly from your x64 Python application: Access 2007 and its ACE driver are 32 bits only. Instead, get the ACE x64 driver for Access 2010, but be careful that if you already have Access or the ACE driver 32bit installed, it won't work. I would stick to the 32bit versions of Python and of the ACE driver if you expect your app to be run on other systems: it is not recommended to mix x64 and x86 versions of Office tools and drivers, you'll probably end up with lots of issues if you do.
If the issue is not with the 32/64bit mix, then maybe this question has the answer you seek.
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